Tuesday, 7 August 2007

The Augmentation of the Human Intellect : Part I

Design is continuous

Computing is discrete

Therefore computer aided design is limited by the discrete boundaries of the digital system

In striving for an ever increasing sampling a closer and greater degree of both imitation (of the analogue system) with a view to remove the appearance of the boundaries of the discrete system, and an increase in the possible complexity detail (beyond 1:1) a fundamental query is raised in the age of digital design:

Where do we draw the line?

And more specifically: why do we attempt to imitate the analogue system digitally in preference to the "authentic analogue" device. In losing imperfection and inconsistancy [through the binary outcome of a digital device] have we sacrificed our experience of both the mundane and the extraordinary? And more specifically :

Is it possible to be authentic in the digital age?

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